Welcome To The
Stockbury Gardeners Website

Keeping our members up-to-date and reaching out to new people to join our association! If you love gardening and want to join a group of friendly like-minded people, you are in the right place!

General Gardening

Expand your skills

Flower Shows

Competitive Growing

Want To Come Along?

Stockbury Gardeners Association meets 8.00pm first Thursday every month (no meeting in January) at Memorial Hall (Village Hall), the street, Stockbury, ME9 7UD. Gardeners young and old. experienced or novice are warmly welcomed. you do not need to be a resident of Stockbury. Membership includes free meetings and discounts on seed orders- this year 40% (seeds) and 10% (equipment). For further information, please use the buttons below -

Up Coming Events!

Full Time
Interested In Events?

Please check out our upcoming events either on our Facebook page or the Events page on our website using the buttons here.

Facebook Events

Live and up to date events on Facebook, see if others are coming and connect with your club memebers

Website Events Page

Our events time table on our website, find direct links and times of the planned events being updated regularly

The Stockbury Gardeners Association is a gardening club for novices and expert gardeners, there is something for everyone to get involved with, and we can guarantee you will enjoy learning something new or helping others to succeed. The Stockbury Gardeners Association has people from within the village and outside the village as members and we are always looking for new additions to take part in our events, there are monthly awards to be won and friends to be made. 

So what is a garden club or gardening club? It is a place to meet fellow gardening enthusiasts who can help you to bring the most out of your garden, teach you how to pot plants properly or guide you on what plants need to be protected in the winter, all these skills/knoledge can be taught at our club, and we are here to help. The knowledge of our members is phenomenal.

How to join a garden club? For our club, you can come to our monthly meets where you can get a feel for the atmosphere and the activities we get up to, then please speak to our treasurer/chairman who will give you more details on how you can join. We have a very small yearly charge, and member benefits for being a part of our group. All members have access to refreshments, and we hold small events for our group such as raffles and some plant sales.

Club Address

Stockbury Memorial Hall
The St